Smash is now in full-time day care. That is because I am now enrolled in two different schools--still in grad school, but now I'm also doing a teacher certification program. The reason I have to be nuts and do both schools at once is because unemployment is paying for a big chunk of my certification program. Because I want unemployment to pay, they lit a fire under my ass and made me enroll as soon as possible. I had to enroll in one of their approved schools, and the nearest school with the program I want/need is 40 minutes away, and I am in class 2 nights a week for 3.5 hours each. Ick. So, back to Smash. He is in full-time day care now because I need the time to do homework for both of my programs during the day. In the evenings, I am either in class or have students. Weekends are sort of unrealistic, because it's summer and we want to get out and enjoy the weather, go out with friends, etc. Thank goodness he has adjusted well to day care. He is the youngest one there, at only 16 months, but he's already eating independently with a spoon and in the process of potty training. Bless his teachers.
I have also begun an intensive weight loss program. It started at the beginning of May, right when we returned home from a week in Florida with the in-laws. During our trip, we went to a safari place so Smash could see the animals, and the park had a water play area. I got in my swimsuit and chased Smash through the sprinklers while DH took pictures. Once I saw those pictures and got a good look at my huge butt and thighs in my swimsuit...that was it. I haven't looked back since.
When we got home, I started cutting my calories and carbs and bought a Groupon for a 4-week boot camp. Once the 4 weeks were up, I found another Groupon for another 4-week boot camp, at a different gym much closer to home (and not so early in the morning!). I liked that new boot camp so much, I stayed another 4 weeks and paid full price because I was seeing such good results. During that next month, I also bought another Groupon for a 20-class fitness pass at all the Lifestart gyms in the Chicagoland area. This allowed me to double up my workouts every day, and I was doing just that.
This brings us up to about 2 weeks ago, when I had to make the decision whether or not to renew my expensive membership there for another month. I'd already lost 15 lbs so far, but I'd really plateaued, despite my best efforts--I was up to 2 intense workouts a day and dropped my calorie limit to 1500/day--but I was exactly the same weight for the past month. I made the decision to not renew for another month. Instead, I did some research and ended up signing up at Fitness 19, a gym chain that has a location near my house and has a really cheap monthly rate. Granted, the place is small and it's limited to basic machines, weights, and balls, but that's all I need. After 3 months of grueling boot camp workouts, I know what works for my body and where I will feel it. I'm now going to Fitness 19 several times a week, doing cardio on the elliptical and then strength training with weights and machines. I'm also still trying to use up my 20-class pass. I have about 8 classes left.
Also, I modified my diet quite a bit. When I complained that I'd plateaued, someone told me that it may be because my body is sensitive to gluten products. So, I gave it a try. I cut out all gluten from my diet for a week and watched what happened. The results were ridiculous--I lost another couple of pounds, the acne on my face cleared up, the rest of my skin started to glow, my digestive system was suddenly rigidly regular, milk didn't make my stomach hurt anymore, and I was overall in a better mood. Umm...I have decided to stick with that. For 2 weeks now, I haven't eaten any gluten and that decision has done nothing but good things for me. In those 2 weeks, I have lost another 5 lbs, bringing my total weight loss since the beginning of May to 20 lbs. I'm on my way! My plateau is over thanks to the gluten-free lifestyle and I am on my way to losing the other 20 lbs to my goal weight.
So...I have had a lot going on. Getting an education and getting fit are both self-improvement, so I'm happy these days.
Moving on...
I always talk about what I'm reading and/or watching, so let me fill you in. Yes, even with my hectic schedule, I have found some time to do some reading and TV show watching. I just finished the His Dark Materials
I started reading another series called Blue Bloods
I started watching White Collar
Also, DH and I started watching Prison Break
Dear adev0tchka
ReplyDeleteI am the group founder and one of the Admin Team members for the Kresy-Siberia group – dedicated to research, recognize and remember Poland’s citizens fighting for freedom and survival in eastern Poland and in forced exile during WW2.
I'm responding to your request to join the Kresy-Siberia Group, which we received on our Yahoo page, although our group has now moved to Facebook for more dynamic messaging [go to].
All messages in our group are private and only visible to other group members, who are all screened for acceptance and all subject to our rules of conduct. Group membership is open to all persons who introduce themselves by explaining the reason for their interest in our topic, who confidentially register their contact details and who respect the following group rules:
We limit our comments to the group topic.
We all strive to avoid disparaging or offending other group members - this is a friendly and supportive group with common goals, not a debating society.
We are all trying to learn from each other, not score points.
We avoid commenting on current politics that could cause dissension.
Prejudicial remarks of a religious or racial nature are not tolerated.
Group Moderators reserve the right to warn, suspend or remove anyone who is unable to respect these rules.
You have written that you want to join because you are "looking for information on Polish history and Anders Army because you believe that your grandfather's brother was in Anders Army."
Please, can you tell us more about names and other details so we can help?
Now, all that remains for you to be accepted for membership is for you to give us your contact details (full name, e-mail, mailing address and contact phone number). Like all membership groups or associations, we keep a record of who our members are. This is for several reasons, as follows:
Our policy is to not have anonymous members, which could lead to abuse and would be against our spirit of membership;
We sometimes have a need to contact members for information and e-mails often change over time, so alternate contact details are required;
We introduce people and their town of residence, which assists our members in networking in local areas if they want;
We sometimes organize events within our mission – whether geographically or globally – and may wish to let our members know directly;
We promise never to share member contact information with anybody, not even with other group members;
We adhere to the strict privacy laws of the European Community, as well as by Poland’s Personal Data Protection Act of 29 August 1997, and in accordance with Article 23 of that Act, we inform members that by joining, they consent to us (being the Kresy-Siberia Foundation) processing your personal information for the purposes of the Foundation's statutory activities.
If you still wish to join, please reply with the requested information by e-mail to
I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Kind Regards,
Stefan Wiśniowski
Kresy-Siberia Foundation President ~ Prezes Fundacji Kresy–Syberia
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